God’s will ... versus ... your will … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

God’s will ... versus ... your will … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article



I spoke with a dear friend few days ago ... about my house that had a fire at the roof ... and the whole meaning of the story.

We both believe in the concept ... the message behind the message and started to had a philosophical discussion about God’s will ... versus ... our will.

And then my friend wrote me a long letter in reply ....


“I too have lost a house to a fire. I was in the process of buying the house but was renting it while the papers were being processed. I will never forget the words that I had spoken aloud 3 days before signing those papers. My mom said to me, "are you sure this is what God wants for you?" My answer was, "The only way I'm not going to sign these papers is if God himself burns the place down." I was determined to do things MY way. God said "really now." (not out loud mind you). Well lo and behold, that house burned down. I learned a few powerful lessons that day. The first one is a big one. NEVER challenge God. Never think you can do some things alone and some things with God. He's got your back ALL the time not just some of the time. Another valuable lesson is, I had family in the house at the time, and they were spared, except one dog. As sad as it was losing my pup, it could have been my daughter or grandson. I am thankful they all made it out alive. I did lose a lot of valued possessions including my dads jacket that smelled like him. (he had just passed away 6 months prior). But I lost nothing more valued than my children's and grandchildren's lives.

Other lessons I learned: Family is wonderful. My family pulled together to get money, clothes, food, shelter and anything else needed for a few days.

The community I live in pulled together and sent money, clothes, furniture, and everything else I could use.

I’m not preaching you ... but ... God has a plan for you just as He did me. Look to God for the answers. Find peace in knowing God is in control. He knows what you need at the right time it’s in his Devine plan : As in the saying, Let go and let God.

If you pray always face the east wall in silence, never stand to pray.”

My friend writes much better as i do ... but in the end we should all ask ourselves what is God’s will for our lives ... no matter what really happens.


Download the book ”THE ILLUSION OF CHANGE Statistic shows that we only replace a reality with a similar one” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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